Monday, October 22, 2012

Inspiring Lessons from the Giant Leap of Felix Baumgertner ...

By Hassan Bendouz

Morocco World News

Agadir, Morocco, October 22, 2012

The gigantic leap of Felix Baumgartner carried a very powerful and intriguing message to any slow and reluctant minds of the world. This five-minute jump not only brought solid scientific data to human kind, but it also has life long morals and values to teach us. The most important lesson to draw from Baumgartner?s leap is that the fruit of success is planted by holding a clear vision of one?s ambitions and goals, grown by long term training and commitment, and cultivated by unshackling one?s self from the fear of failure. The first step that paved the way for Baumgartner to become a legend was his ability to challenge himself before challenging others. Here, I would quote from Paulo Coelho who said, ?There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.? Undoubtedly, it is only when we can transcend our inner worries and uncertainties that we make it possible for our dreams to see light.

As a rule, we always have to expect outstanding outcomes from doing what we are afraid to do as human beings. Psychologically speaking, we block our aspirations and hopes once we harbour any sort of fear. Put simply, we allow worries to grow bigger than our faith. These ghosts of a potential fiasco can paralyze our minds.

Obviously, it?s no trivial feat to free fall from a balloon more than 39 km above the Earth, the edge of space. Setting a new record in nine minutes was the outcome of seven years of tough preparation and training. Baumgartner has proven to the nearly eight billion citizens of the world that the glory of success requires the hard work of preparation. This confirms that dreams don?t become reality through magic; they take sweat, determination and hard work. What is more striking about this incredible mission is that it unveiled a team of the world?s top scientists, engineers and doctors that all stood behind him in a collective attempt to rewrite history and boost scientific research. It goes without saying that Felix was only a hand among the many hands that all contributed to bring this dream into existence. Those professional advisers and elite mentors who worked thoroughly and tirelessly behind the scenes were a pivotal building block in erecting this project.

With pride and modesty, this young adventurer admitted that he would not get any further without his team?s encouragement and coaching. Here, we undoubtedly learn that no man is an island, an entirety in him; every man is a piece of the world, to paraphrase John Donne. Each individual of the team played his or her role wisely. It was like a symphony, which always takes a whole orchestra to play it skillfully.

Indeed, almost all people of the world could watch Baumgartner?s live jump from outer space on their TV screens, but what the cameras could not transmit, were his deep feelings and thoughts throughout these mysterious moments. Actually, an endless flow of scenarios might have crossed his mind, before throwing his body into that frightening void. Among the best things he said was, ?When we stand up there on the top of the world, you become so humble. It?s not about getting new scientific data. It?s not about breaking new records anymore. It?s about coming home alive.? The most touching utterance he has made about his sensation while on the top was: ?Sometimes, we have to go up high to understand how small we are.?

Finally, I would conclude with a discussion I had with my grandfather on this issue. As I went for my weekly visit to my grandfather, who has lived almost one hundred years on this planet, I told him about this story. Honestly, he could not hide his excitement to see the jump on my computer, just like an innocent child discovering new things about his world. In my turn, I was scanning every single part of his face while he was watching the video. At the end, he took a deep breath and said, ?Ohh my son, the world were too slow and hard in our days; things are getting faster and easier in your days. I just wonder how these smart people can make the impossible possible, miles up in the skies, while our poor nations can not make the possible possible, just under their feet.? He really hit the nail on the head.

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